Score Voting with Pooled Representatives at the State-Level
One or Two New Amendments to Upgrade the Union
Union Good.
(on 28 October 2020 this image was added to show how a sample Score Voting ballot might function with 2-digit write-in and bubbles)
In the United States we divide states into districts, we end up picking the “best person from each district” for the job of Representative in the House of Representatives.
At current, there are 435 voting members in the HoR. The Senate boasts a tempered and metered equality among states. The Founding Fathers said:
The House of Reps is like a tea kettle boiling and seething over. The Senate is the saucer in which we pour the boiling hot tea to let cool.
Unfortunately for us in 2020, nobody remembers that back in the day, people drank tea by pouring straight from kettle to saucer. That’s right, the saucer does not hold the cup, it holds the tea. Because the saucer has a shallow inflexion and a large surface area, the tea cools quickly and can be slurped and sipped rapidly after pouring from the seething-over tea kettle.
So may the metaphor not be lost on you here on out !
Image above: Hot babes in the Victorian era using a saucer correctly. Such grace, such prowess. Much cool. Much wow.
There are 2 significant and easy ways to improve our nation’s system dramatically and rapidly:
Score Voting (also called Range Voting) is one of many Ways of Voting that works in similar fashion to the Olympic scoring system. When you vote, each candidate gets a score starting at 00 and going to 99. Candidates you like you might give a 95 or 97 or even a 99. (Let’s avoid using 100 so people can’t change your 00 into a 100 easily — interesting aside, Japanese has special symbols invented to avoid this post-fact manipulation of some of the simpler number symbols). Highest average score wins.
Let’s pool state representatives! This means deleting districts and saying that all 7 reps from Colorado or all 16 reps of Ohio are responsible for the whole state, not just their district. And let’s elect these people by Score Voting and taking the highest n-many reps from the Score Voted ballot. Similar to the Olympics, where we award Gold, Silver, and Bronze, we could award House of Representative seats.
These two small changes, requiring 38 states out of 50 (¾ of the total) to ratify, would work as one or two new amendments to the Constitution and would swiftly take us into a brighter future.
Actual Meritocracy happens.
Bicameralism is Transcended by allowing 3rd-, 4th-, 5th-, and so on-, parties to flourish.
You can call any representative, not just the human for your district, and demand accountability. After all, they go to the same place to discuss what happens anyway.
Your vote would never be wasted, as is the case in First-past-the-post (FPTP) [the current system as of Oct 2020].
So please, contemplate these ideas and inform your friends. When we are an informed populace, we can demand the rights our Forefathers set aside for us. While they may have intended us to reach the stars and beyond, we must inform ourselves to assert our divine rights.
With Goodwill Beaming,