Four Quadrants of Satisologie: Unlimited Wants, Limited Resources, and the other three.
Math, Economics, Music, or Optimal Satisologie.
The Fundamental Principle of Allocation
Access and Availability.
SATISOLOGIE is the Fundamental Principle of Allocation:
Based on understanding the limited and the unlimited. In this series we focus on wants and resources:
∞ W ∞ R
# W ∞ R
# W # R
∞ W # RAs negotiated by the creativity of the human collective.
Taking into account completeness, fidelity, awareness, and intactness of information. (Awareness, Opportunity, Commitment, Access.)
Regarding geotribal and geopolitical forces as non-neglible channels, and potentially labyrinths of, satisfaction flows.
Accounting for local chasm, local gaps, and local branches where access is limited or bottlenecked. (Access and Availability.)
Accounting for each local branch of conduction/exchange/transfer.
Accounting for each compromise made in the series of transactions.
Accounting for the varied currencies, bartering tokens, and tokenizations or commodifications of generosity or "future favors."
Based on primal need, and
Based on fulfillment of primal need.
When we are aware of SATISOLOGIE, we can strive toward Optimal Satisologie, the fundamental principle of allocation
Based on optimization of creative inputs and creative outputs to yield a harmonious flourishing of mutual satisfaction and prosperity.
Optimal Satisologie
Limited Wants and Unlimited Resources
While the value proposition of Optimal Satisologie is heavenly, the road is not made with nebulous clouds; there is a real path of grit (earth), grit (teeth), and marrow that can set the spinning top straight.
Satisologie does not entertain false-maxima or faux-optimums as satisfactory long-term landings.
This Series’ Exploration
In this series we will be exploring the explicit and implicit consequences for how to optimize a variety of phenomena, including:
Personal behavior patterns and sense of responsibility.
Governance and Evaluation of Representatives in Free Countries.
Alignment of Means of Production and Means of Consumption with longterm scope in mind.
Our understanding of ethics.
Our understanding of causality.
Our understanding of systems and their underlying operation.
Some new terminology has been created to help explain systems and their behaviors. In economics there is “macro” and “micro” economics. I opt to call these “web-satisologie” and “direct-satisologie.” My hope is that this renaming will become clearer and clearer over time as the claim is posited and supported.
In the first six segments of this brief Satisologie Newsletter, we will be focusing on
Satisfaction and Fruit Enjoyment (Consumption).
Creativity: of Branch and Brain (Production).
Trade versus Instruments of Trade (Vessels).
Free Transmission of Information is a Necessary Condition for an Efficient Market.
Price and Product Awareness, Discovery.
Integrity of Information, Fidelity of the Signal in the Noise, Coherence.
Today’s Activity: Needs v. Resources.
Todays’s challenge is to consume something and then consider which Satisological quadrant the Resource and the Want dwell within. Is in a limited or unlimited want, is it a limited or unlimited resource, and what is the optimization of satisfaction when all long-term goals are considered?
We will have to investigate, “what are needs?” as well as “what are resources?”
Let’s think backwards from the solution: anything that properly satisfies a need can be dubbed a “resource.”
Stay positive, find ways to be helpful to other humans in the world, and stay tuned for Satisfaction and Fruit Enjoyment (Consumption).